Saturday, September 8, 2012

20 stars

Jack earned his prize for 20 stars this week, and insisted on going to Toys R Us. 

Last time he chose an Elasmasaurus and man with a boat (made by Animal Planet), and had his eyes set on a shark diving set made by the same company. 

When we got there, he first chose a huge helicopter, that ended up too expensive. 

We talked about limits on the prize.  It needs to be under $30. 

I thought this was a pretty fair restriction (considering he earns one every few weeks), until we starting scanning the aisles. 

I was blown away by how little 30 bucks gets you in toys.  Jack was too. 

“Why does everything have to be so expensive, Mommy?” he asked. 

I felt badly, but I think it proved a good learning lesson.  And…in the end, he chose a really great art kit that teaches you how to make your own window stickers. 

SUCH a better choice than a helicopter.


[A couple days later we had another conversation about prizes. 

He decided he was going to start choosing “big boy things” like golf shoes, a water bottle holder for his bike and a new helmet instead of “toys”. 

I LOVE this decision.  Hopefully it sticks!]

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