Thursday, July 15, 2010

Kingsley at 18 months

You are one fiesty girl! You definitely know what you want, and now that you're really starting to's more than apparent!! You have started saying the word 'no' (instead of just shaking your head), and we hear it often; your other favorite words are 'mommy' (I can't even count how many times per day you say this one!), 'hot' (ha), 'dog' (doh), 'water' (wawa), 'eat' (ee) and 'cookie' (tootie).

You have learned what most farm animals say, from a sheep (ahhh!) to a cow (mmm) to a duck (ah, ah, ah) to a horse (this is the clearest of all the animals). You also know the sounds of a dog, bee, chick and owl. I think Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? has really helped you learn, since it still is one of your favorite books. You've also started showing a lot of interest in The Big Red Barn and Goodnight Moon. I read both of them to you as we rock in your chair before nap and bedtime; reading has just recently become a part of our routine and we both love it! Right when I finish a book, you'll look up at me and stop drinking your milk for just long enough to say "mo" (for more).
You idolize your big brother, and definitely epitomize the phrase 'monkey see, monkey do'. You love to follow and copy almost everything he does (and he, of course, loves this too!), although every once in awhile he;ll ask you if you'd like to play something and you'll reply 'no' (which does NOT make him happy). You are also my shadow - constantly saying my name, and rarely leaving my sight; you love for me to hold you, play with you and read to you.

You love talking on the phone, and prefer to use the real one (which drives Daddy totally crazy). You like to press the button to play old messages, and pretend to talk to the recordings. You also love your pretend kitchen, putting your shoes on, going "bye" (you say "bye" ALL the time), swings, and have become incredibly attached to your pink bear, Yaya.

You are becoming quite the big girl, and it's too fun watching you grow!! We love you!!!

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