Thursday, July 29, 2010

How much pretend is too much??

Jack has been HUGE into pretend lately - choosing to be either a crane or a "mean-hungry-meat-eating-dinosaur" (usually a T-Rex or Allosaraus). I'll be honest...neither are my favorite activity. Though I love to watch his imagination at work, both of these choices come with their price. As a dinosaur, he makes a terrible looking "mean face" and runs around the house yelling (though he calls it roaring). As a crane, he aimlessly walks through the house lifting things up and placing them in other locations (like moving all his matchbox cars from their bin to the couch where I'm sitting). Nonetheless - he loves playing pretend, and I love when he's happy.

So...when is there too much pretend?? This morning Jack wanted milk. He asked for it - without saying 'please'. We reminded him without a 'please' there would be no milk, to which he responded: I'm a T-Rex, the bully of the jungle, and bullies of the jungle don't say please. He held out for at least 5 minutes, maybe even 10, getting more and more frustrated that we were asking a T-Rex to say please. "T-Rexes don't say please!" he would shout (and whine). We finally convinced him that it's great to pretend, but even when you're pretending to be something, our rules need to be followed. He gave in and said please, though I'm not so sure we won't have to cross this bridge again.

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