Friday, May 14, 2010

Kingsley at 16 months

Kingsley - you are at the point of really starting to amaze us - understanding more and more everyday. You have the BEST smile and laugh, and really light up our lives.

You are:

- bold, daring and adventurous
- not afraid to get dirty
- fearless
- happy
- fiesty and tempermental - you definitely know what you want
- REALLY cute
- outgoing and flirty

You know how to:
- say mommy, daddy, dog (comes out "dee" or "doh"), bird (comes out "bah"), and thank you (comes out "da-da")
- point to your eyes, nose and mouth
- find airplanes and birds in the sky, and love pointing them out

You love:
- to follow Jack and copy most things he does
- watermelon, dipping just about anything in ranch, hotdogs, tofu and pasta with red sauce
- playing with dolls and stuffed animals - holding them, patting their backs, and pushing them in a cart or stroller
- jewelry, bags and your hairbows (you actually ask for them) - such a girl!
- music and dancing
- playing outside
- climbing

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