Saturday, May 1, 2010

Crafty Corner: Nature Names

This morning, after I peeled my eyes open and had a much needed cup of coffee...I got the kids dressed, and we went out for the first part of our art mission. I told them we were going on a nature walk, gave each a pail, and instructed them to pick up anything from nature that they wanted. Of course we needed to talk about nature - what it is, and what we were allowed to take. I explained that all the plants and animals we see are part of nature, so sure enough Jack asked if we could get a bird. He pleaded that we could let it go after, but my answer remained a solid 'no'; we were to stick with leaves, flowers, twigs, flowers, grass etc. that were found on the ground (and not growing on a tree or shrub).
The morning was awesome! Jack was really excited to get out there and fill his bucket, and was equally excited to find a crunchy brown leaf as he was for a bright yellow dandelion (weeds were fair game). Kingsley loved just holding her bucket, and was much more careful and considerate in choosing items to go in hers (most were colorful flowers - purples and pinks - which I found really interesting).
When we got home, Kingsley chose to color with crayons, since I don't think she's quite ready for glue. Jack, on the other hand, was ready for his glue stick. His filled bucket really was beautiful, and though each letter of his nature name didn't get filled as I had envisioned, it turned out perfect. What a beautiful way to spend a morning!

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