Friday, May 21, 2010

Jack at 3 1/2

Jack - you continue to be the most wonderful boy we know. You say the funniest things, ask the most intellectual questions, and are very insightful. You are a thinker, a conversationalist and definitely a talker! You are sensitive, silly and sweet.

You are into:
- the food chain (what eats what)
- the woods (you love pointing out trees and shouting "woods!", and I don't have the heart to tell you we live way too far in suburbia to have that many woods near us; you also love learning about what animals live in the woods)
- reading
- imagination and pretend play (my bed and our couches are constantly acting as boats that keep us safe from fish, sharks and sea monsters swimming below; you are often a t-rex leaving footprints on the floor)
- building forts and/or 'homes' for yourself, when you're pretending to be an animal
- your electric golf cart

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