Saturday, August 7, 2010

Great helpers!

After we woke up this morning, John decided Jack needed some "figurines" (after we had already had our fair share of dinosaur roars by 9am), so we headed to Toys R Us. As soon as we walked in, we were greeted by a wall of Buzz Lightyears...perfect! Jack got to pick out one, and then we walked through the rest of the store picking up one more toy for him (a truck and trailer), one toy for him and Kingsley to share (Mr. Potato Head), and two for Kingsley (a cleaning set w/ 2 mops and a broom, and a doll stroller). As soon as we got home, we opened Kingsley's toys....and they were a TOTAL hit...for BOTH kids, especially the broom and mops. Ahhh - if only I could be so enthusiastic about cleaning!

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