Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Fish Week continued...

We've been very busy with fish around here, and been having a blast! Jack asks every day to make "a new fish project", so I'm continuing to have ideas ready for him each morning.

We made fish necklaces (Jack of course wanted his fish to be pink - his favorite color). I did most of the work for Kingsley - she picked out the beads and handed them to me, managing to drop at least half on the floor - and Jack did almost his entire necklace himself. I attached a pipe cleaner to the end of his string, which served as a big/safe needle for him. They both loved the process and result.

Jack and I also took advantage of a little quiet time while Kingsley was napping to make a fishbowl. We used some sand from his sandbox, pine needles from the garden bed, shells I had in our craft box and fish I'd cut out the night before to create a super cute fish bowl. Jack glued everything on the "bowl, and then I glued blue cellophane paper around it. It turned out great, and Kingsley loves looking at it and touching it!

Stained glass fish were our next project. Both kids were able to do this one. I cut out an outline of a fish and attached it to contact paper while they tore pieces of tissue paper. Jack was very concerned if every piece was the right size, continuing to ask "how 'bout this one Mama?", while Kingsley enjoyed listening to the sound the paper made as she crumpled it in a ball. Once they had enough pieces, they each attached them to the contact paper and voila! Last step was sticking them to the window, which was definitely Kingsley's favorite part! She was so excited as we cheered her on, and even gave a little dance!!

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