Friday, July 6, 2012

Nightcap at the beach

We always talk about going back to the beach in the evening, but rarely ever do. 

This time around, Jojo was just enough motivation to get us back there before dinner. 

We wanted to get him out on the sand, and the girls were happy to come along.



Of course it wasn’t easy keeping them out of the water.  Or dry.

They attempted to keep their dresses from getting wet.  Love how Brinkley followed Kingsley by pulling her dress up above the waves.


But soon enough…the inevitable happened, and they both got soaked.


Kingsley was a little upset that her dress was ruined, but Brinkley rolled with the punches and just asked to be stripped naked. 

I was happy to oblige.  There’s nothing cuter than that little toosh!



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