Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother’s Day

The kids were very excited to wake up for mother’s day.  SO excited that they couldn’t make it past 6:30.  So…mommy got coffee and breakfast in bed.  At 7.  Sleeping in is overrated, right?

This year, for the first time, I spent part of the day without the kiddos.  I went to Pure Barre at 9 to have just an hour or so to myself, but before leaving the kids got ready for the day. 


Can you tell which one got himself dressed?  Yikes!



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While I was gone, the kids worked on questionnaires about Mommy.  My favorite answers…”My mom always tells me what to do,”  “the best thing my mom does is sleep,” and “when my mom shops she likes to buy candy”.  Actually pretty accurate answers.  LOVE these.

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Per my request, we took a walk to the pond afterwards.  We hadn’t all taken a walk together in longer than I care to admit.  Jack had hoped to bring his remote control boat, but for some reason it was out of commission.  So they opted for throwing rocks in the water.  And feeding the turtles all the triscuits we brought for snack.  And humoring mommy with a few photo ops.

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Love my girl.  The only one who really sat through all the pictures happily.


So long as she was allowed to take a few pics of her own.  Might need to work on the aim a little bit.  And not making the subject’s hand look 3x its normal size. 

Thinking it may be time to upgrade her though, from Kidizoom to a real camera.  (A cheap real camera).  She loves taking pictures almost as much as me.

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Daddy and his girls.



Finished off the day with a nice bath and lots of stories.  All of which I got to choose.  Jack’s been VERY into encyclopedia-ish books.  Dry, informational books.  About dinosaurs.  Dragons.  Snakes.  So I was thrilled to choose all the books that I love – from You are my I Love You to Guess How Much I Love You to Tickle Monster.  John and I ganged up for double the Tickle Monster power, just to ensure LOTS of giggles.  So fun!

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Great, great day.


  1. what a sweet day! love seeing john and you in the important in the long run! we love those two books too:)

  2. that you are 3.5 years old....hee
