Last week Jack had his first day of Kindergarten, but it was only one day – Wednesday – so that each of the other children could have their staggered entry days on Thursday and Friday.
Today marks the beginning of his first full week.
Jack was so excited to tell me about his day.
Clearly the rules are still being discussed; he told me they had to “talk” as a class about the things they did right and the things they did wrong.
He LOVED p.e., where he learned a version of freeze tag (where you have to crawl through your friends’ legs to unfreeze them).
He got a kick out of Spanish, where he learned simply pronouncing papa differently can change its meaning from “dad” to “potato”. He taught Kingsley the difference, and she loved changing the inflexion in her voice.
He was moved to the yellow table, where he knew Kate and thinks Max sits as well.
He was proud to tell me about all of the eye contact he made with his teachers, because that tells them he’s listening. “If you’re not looking at them, that means you’re not listening,” he told me.
He noticed Kate L.’s shoes, and asked her name (since he couldn’t remember it) which I was so proud of him for doing so that he could tell her he liked them.
His favorite part of the day was playing on the playground, where he met up with Aston.
Mrs. Cathcart sent an email filling in some of the gaps from the day – like the marble race, math tubs & blocks, and All about Me books. I wish emails like that were daily, as I’m sure what Jack will share with me about his daily life will only be a snippet of all the great stuff he’ll be doing.
Mrs. Cathcart also shared a picture of the class altogether for the first time: