The first moment of my birthday came at 1:36am; I woke to a little voice from upstairs. "Mommmmmmy! Mommmmmmy! My bed is wet!" I ran upstairs and Jack had already taken himself to the potty and changed his pj pants. So...the two of us walked back downstairs and cuddled into bed. No - I was not excited to be woken up in the middle of the night, but I gladly accept some snuggling time with my little man. Waking up to his sweet face always makes my morning.
We went out to breakfast (after the cleaning ladies made the house spotless) and I stuffed myself (literally) with stuffed french toast. YUMMY!
Off to Dinosaur Train, naps, and FedEx package arrived! I had been awaiting for it all day, thinking it was my new Chanel boots, but to my surprise...when the box arrived it could fit in my hand. What was inside you ask?? A complete award goes to Mimi, who remembered my love for Laura's monogrammed necklace and ordered me one in rose gold. Completely beautiful, completely shocking, completely perfect!! I immediately made a beeline for my closet to change into a different shirt that would showcase it! Mimi and Papa arrived minutes later, so it couldn't have been planned more perfectly. We went to the club for a cocktail (Jack learned the meaning of the word, and then told us he'd like to have a cocktail too), then out to dinner at Ilios Noche, followed by Carvel for dessert. So good!!
All in all - a great birthday, spent with family and a few surprises along the way. Looking forward to tomorrow night...John has planned a big b'day dinner with all of our friends at 131 Main, so it should be tons of fun!!
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