Friday, April 30, 2010
15 month old piranha
I called John today to tell him about my worries that CPS might call us concerned about the bite marks on Jack's arms - the bite marks left by none other than his little baby sister. It started off as once in awhile when she was pissed at him taking something. Ok, fine - you can't talk and you're frustrated...I get it. But - two days ago she got Jack twice within an hour timeframe, which clearly caused concern that this problem is becoming increasingly worse. Then yesterday as we're leaving the library, big girl wants to walk out to the parking lot herself; I go to pick her up, and what does she do? Yup - pulls out those fangs and goes for blood. I kneal down, tell her no (as we're in public, so I can't smack her in the mouth like I'd like), and immediately the woman behind me asks " going through the biting stage?" While I was embarassed by this eyewitness account, I was relieved to hear that this may just be a stage that will pass. In the meantime, she suggested next time it happens I should bite back. So...look out my sweet little piranha!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
16 weeks
So I'm definitely feeling the baby move! I wasn't sure for the last week, but these last two days have made me positive...very excited!! My belly is starting to grow, although when I look at it in this picture I realize it's barely noticeable. That didn't stop Jack from asking as he pointed to my belly however: "is that big thing the baby?" Leave it to him to ask something like that!
I went to the doctor this morning and brought Kingsley with me, who was of course a huge hit. She looked adorable (as always),a nd was on her best behavior, until a small bit of crying at the phlebotomist, but who's not scared of them?? I weighed in at 114lbs, which means I've gained 7 lbs so far (if I estimate my starting weight at 107). The baby's heart rate was 150 and in less than 3 more weeks we'll have an ultrasound to find out for sure if it's a girl!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Too Cute Tuesdays

Oh my gosh...too cute! When John's cousin had twins, we bought them what I thought were the cutest shirts to buy for twins - an "I'm Olivia, he's Tyler" and an "I'm Tyler, she's Olivia" onesie. But - I think I found ones that top that. One says "I love" and the other says "you". Oh my gosh - love them!! Maybe when baby #3 is born, I could get these for the kids to wear to the hospital?? oooooh!!! yes! One will wear "I love" and the other will wear "you, ----" (filled in with whatever we name the baby". (Found the shirts on - they're made by Petit Bateau).
Also loving the idea of "wordless wednesdays" (came across this on Thrifty Craft Mama, where she just posts her favorite picture from the day, without writing anything) and the idea of "work of art wednesday" (from because I love doing projects with the kids, but don't always make the time for them, particularly since Kingsley is still into eating crafts vs. making them).
I got out of a bubble bath with both babies, feeling like it was a really good day and night. Our bath was super cute...Jack showed off his new skill of dunking his whole head in the water, while Kingsley giggled at me doing 'this little piggie' to her toes. We pretended my bed was a pirate ship, and as we were looking for pirate treasure...Dad called.
Fun night...done. We talked for a minute, and then he shared the news that he's been diagnosed with Stage 1 Bladder Cancer. He'll start treatment when he gets back east in the next few weeks. I of course was hysterical, to which mom blamed on hormones. I on the other hand can't figure out what about the sentence My dad has cancer is NOT serious/upsetting/scary/life-changing/rattling/you-fill-in-the-word.
Fun night...done. We talked for a minute, and then he shared the news that he's been diagnosed with Stage 1 Bladder Cancer. He'll start treatment when he gets back east in the next few weeks. I of course was hysterical, to which mom blamed on hormones. I on the other hand can't figure out what about the sentence My dad has cancer is NOT serious/upsetting/scary/life-changing/rattling/you-fill-in-the-word.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Happy Earth Day!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
My big girl's haircut and my baby girl moving?
My beautiful baby girl got her first real haircut today. I've trimmed it a few times, but John had been on me for months to get it cut and "clean up the ends". I just couldn't decide if I wanted to let it grow just a little longer so it could fit in a ponytail, or cut it into a little bob. Well - ended up bringing her to Dolittle's today where she sat like a big girl in a firetruck and got a totally adorable, big girl bob. I LOVE it! Of course I couldn't resist buying her a big new bow to go with her little 'do! Despite Jack's first reaction of "Kingsley looks like a boy", I think she couldn't look more like a girl and/or more adorable.
I continue to assume baby #3 is a girl, since my forehead looks like a mogul mountain and the ultrasound tech gave us a 90% yes on it being a girl. So...I've titled this blog "my girls" because I'm almost positive I felt the baby move for the first time two days ago. I wrote it off thinking I just was imagining it, but then again last night I'm almost positive I felt it again as I was laying in bed. Can't wait to relax tonight and am really hoping to feel it again! So exciting...
I continue to assume baby #3 is a girl, since my forehead looks like a mogul mountain and the ultrasound tech gave us a 90% yes on it being a girl. So...I've titled this blog "my girls" because I'm almost positive I felt the baby move for the first time two days ago. I wrote it off thinking I just was imagining it, but then again last night I'm almost positive I felt it again as I was laying in bed. Can't wait to relax tonight and am really hoping to feel it again! So exciting...
Sunday, April 18, 2010
...and a project finisher!
Totally beaming with pride!!! Absolutely LOVE the new shelves we made for Jack's room. LOVE!
We may have had to take three trips in total to Lowe's, and I may have wanted to lock Kingsley inside the house so I could work, and John may have been thinking the whole time that this was supposed to be MY project instead of OURS, but by the time Jack got up from his nap...we were ready to mount them to the wall. They look amazing, and what's even better is Jack loves them. I chose about 15 of his (and my) favorites to display, so he has a really easy time picking out books and recognizing all of his different choices. And did I mention they look amazing?
We may have had to take three trips in total to Lowe's, and I may have wanted to lock Kingsley inside the house so I could work, and John may have been thinking the whole time that this was supposed to be MY project instead of OURS, but by the time Jack got up from his nap...we were ready to mount them to the wall. They look amazing, and what's even better is Jack loves them. I chose about 15 of his (and my) favorites to display, so he has a really easy time picking out books and recognizing all of his different choices. And did I mention they look amazing?
I'm a project starter...
Jack continues to ask for the same books over and over again. We're on a Runaway Bunny and Wish for a Fish kick at the moment. Two weeks ago it was Truck Stuck and The Mitten. Last month it was still Christmas books. Despite having 50+ books on his book shelf, he never really seems to pick out different ones, which has got me to thinking. Maybe we need a better way to display his books? I love the book racks from PBKids and Land of Nod, but am not in love with their prices. to the rescue - I have found a project on OhDeeDoh (one of my favorite blogs) with a DIY book shelf project. I'm totally inspired and insist on completing my own. Immediately.
As John and I walk through the aisles of Lowe's and I continue to add items I need for the project, he puts an end to it by saying..."See, this is what you do." And when I ask him what he means, he goes on to say that I like to start projects but never really finish them. Case in point - the dining room chairs I decided to reupholster over a month ago, which are still sitting in the dining room with the new beautiful fabric laying neatly next to them. Fine - point taken.
But, I am now more determined than ever to finish this
As John and I walk through the aisles of Lowe's and I continue to add items I need for the project, he puts an end to it by saying..."See, this is what you do." And when I ask him what he means, he goes on to say that I like to start projects but never really finish them. Case in point - the dining room chairs I decided to reupholster over a month ago, which are still sitting in the dining room with the new beautiful fabric laying neatly next to them. Fine - point taken.
But, I am now more determined than ever to finish this
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Knocked Up this movie just as funny when you're not pregnant, because it's pretty f-ing funny right now! Have definitely laughed several times out loud from the "I know we're supposed to be nice to each other right now, but I'm having a really hard time right now; I'm really struggling" to "I've sacrificed my vagina". Funny stuff!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Share the News
We told Mimi and Papa about baby #3, which actually went better than expected! Mimi seemed genuinely excited, and Papa said he needed to sit down. As we told them, Jack listened in on the conversation and he too learned of our news. He, of course, had lots of questions. Is it a girl or boy? What does it look like? What clothes is it wearing? Does it have hair? My favorite question came when he asked to see the baby. I lifted my shirt, he looked around on my belly, and was clearly confused. He scanned down to the little freckle on my belly button, tried desperately to look through it and then asked - is that a teeny tiny hole to see the baby?
He has since kissed the belly several times, and even got his sister to kiss it (since she copies just about everything he does).
He has since kissed the belly several times, and even got his sister to kiss it (since she copies just about everything he does).
Easter Sunday
Easter was completely fun! Okay - so we missed church (totally didn't do ou homework, and showed up to mass an hour late), but the kids looked adorable, we had amazing food at the club for brunch, and the day couldn't have been more beautiful.
I think I enjoyed making their Easter baskets more than you're supposed to enjoy that, but putting everything together was so fun! So - to see Jack run down in the morning with a look of both excitement and shock was thrilling! He loved everything in his basket, from the new movie to the candy to the motorcylce and monster trucks. Kingsley's basket was a success too - she loved her new flower towel (the first pink towel I've bought), and of course our little fatty was psyched to find candy. She also loved some of Jack's monster trucks, particularly the pink one. I was feeling a little badly about not getting her some of her own, but big brother Jack did a great job sharing.
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